
Complement Airport Websites with Native Apps for a Better Passenger Experience

Appssenger platform for web, responsive, Android, iOS, Apple Watch and Alexa

In the era of digital mobility, airports are no longer just physical infrastructures but true technological hubs that must provide passengers with optimized services and experiences across different platforms. While an airport’s website plays a vital role in the initial planning phase, native iOS and Android apps have become indispensable tools for passengers during their … Read more

Revolutionize Your Airport’s Digital Presence with Appssenger

Appssenger platform for web, responsive, Android, iOS, Apple Watch and Alexa

In today’s fast-paced world, airports are no longer just transportation hubs—they are key touchpoints in the passenger journey. To meet rising passenger expectations, airports need to embrace cutting-edge technology that delivers a seamless and personalized experience. Appssenger is here to help airports achieve this goal by offering an all-in-one digital solution that modernizes their websites, … Read more

The Importance of the Digital Passenger Experience

In the ever-evolving world of #aviation, providing a seamless Digital Passenger Experience (#DPEX) is more critical than ever before. The recent release of the World Airport Traffic Dataset by ACI World – Airports Council International has brought to light a fascinating trend among the top 20 busiest airports worldwide, revealing valuable insights into the state … Read more